Monday 10 October 2011

Textual analysis of music videos 2

The Music video I am analysing is dj’s Fresh-Gold Dust, which was directed by Ben Newman. This genre of music belongs to dub step.
The broad characteristics of this genre has people expected to dance and random stuff such as roller-skating or skate boarding swimming etc.
The lyrics of the video talks about how you wont get enough of this song however how the music video is structured they differ from each other as they don’t relate to each other in any way for an example rope jumping.
The video has an introduction of a girl singing a little rhyme but as I am using the dub step version this one just cuts straight to the beat.
You also see when the little girl is singing solo there is a man skateboarding.
The section of when the jump roping happens and the girls are jumping that is the same pace as the original piece of music itself.
The record company is looking to sell this music by making people get up and dance to the beat; the artist is not present on this video
 This song or video says that the person who made this likes dub step
In this video I do not get the sense that the artist is on sexual display. Nothing in the video implies any sexual nature or activity
These features may have been chosen to show people to just have fun and to have a good time.
His video does relate to other videos such as “Louder” also associated with DJ fresh.
All of DJ’s Fresh videos has always dancers or random activity in his types of music video moreover this video is performanced based as it contains people talents
In conclusion DJ’s fresh has videos which associates with a lot of random talent which makes the video extraordinary moreover the artist is not present in this video this type of music is danceable it has no explicit materials so this tells me that this video is just used to make people dance and enjoy the types of videos the artist or the director makes. 

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