Monday 3 October 2011

Evaluative Analysis

The conventions I have used in my poster are:
The Heading of the film
Ø  Critic’s ratings
Ø  A tag line
Ø  Central image
Ø  An age rating
Ø  Credits at the bottom
Ø  Actors names at the top
These would appeal to the audience because it has very exciting images of the actors
It has a very catch tagline which would make people interact with it more
The critics rating will tell the audience how good this movie is and my movie has three five star ratings from different medias
The actors name at the top would appeal to the audience because if they have favourite actors that they like it would make them want to see the movie even more regardless the reviews.
The man in my film poster is represented as a hero you will notice this because of the way his stance is and he has a gun strapped to the side of his trousers.
There is also a transparent image of a women centred in the middle of the poster she is represented as a sex symbol and is a bad character with a steam6y attitude.
I have chosen both of these pictures in these particular stances to catch the audience’s eyes when it is advertised.
The text is also centred which says “The shadow”. I have chosen this text because this would give an understanding of what the film is about to the audience who has chosen a particular interest in this poster.
In the beginning of my trailer the Warner bros. logo would appear and there would be a sound effect of the wind blowing.
There would there be an entrance to a park and a lamppost shining over with a yellow dim light again the sound effect of wind blowing and there would be a voice over talking.
It would then again be the same shot for a second then you see a shadow of a foot appear then run into the darkness.
There would then be blackout with a white text saying “A Warner Bros Production” The sound effect would be a drum effect.
There would then be a woman with a hat with a flower attached to it showing her dress but her face is hidden. The sound effect would again be a chromatic drumbeat solo. The figure is there for 2 or 3 seconds.
There would then be another blackout with white text saying “In association with wonderlights”. The sound effect would be a drumbeat solo.
You would then see another shot of the same woman but now she is looking up towards the camera and has a sickening smile again the sound effect would be another chromatic drumbeat solo.
Another blackout would take place but there is no sound effect for the first 2.5 seconds then you hear the door creaking and a heart wrenching scream.
You then see the image of a man and its shadow breaking the man’s neck and blood pouring out (this would appear for a split second)
Then the films heading “the shadow” would appear in a green font and at the bottom it would say “coming soon to cinemas”,
I have chosen Warner bros because Warner bros is a big company which have managed many film such as:
Ø  Unknown
Ø  Arthur

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