Monday 17 October 2011

Conventions of music videos

I have watched three videos from different genres and will now be writing under six conventions.

If we Ever Meet Again (Timberland and Katy Perry)

There is a relationship between the music video and the lyrics as they are talking about someone will not get away with their crime when they both meet again.
There are no actors looking at the camera as they are just acting out where as both artist-Timberland and Katy Perry, are looking into the camera.
There are no intertextual references to other media texts.
There is a relationship between the pace of the music and the artists motion such as there is miniature dancing alongside some acting.
There is mainly body shots and facial shots of the artists
This genre is hip hop/rnb so classy acts is expected from this genre.

One More Chance (Michael Jackson)

There is no relationship between the lyrics and the video as his moves are very suttle.
People are looking at Michael not “knowing” they are being filmed.
There are no intertextual references
As the music is quite slow his moves are very calm.
In this video you don’t actually see Michael Jackson’s face you mostly see his back and footwork and his hair swaying back and fourth.
This genre is slow rnb so you expect normal pace of walking and maybe some acting however this video is performance based.

Earthquake (Labyrinth ft Tinie Tempha)

There is a relationship between both lyrics and the visuals in the music video. There are speakers signifying the loud music and the lyrics are talking about an earthquake.
In the midsection Labyrinth has a copy of himself and are in a circle looking at an object.
There are no intertexual references.
There are a lot of close up shots of labrinth and tinie tempha
This genre is classified as dubstep. To signify this there is a lot of speakers and dubstep always use speakers as their trademark.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

How a stars image develops over time through Music Videos

Michael Joseph Jackson was born in America Indiana,Gary on the 29th of august 1958 and died on 25th of June 2009 in Los Angeles. He started in a family group known to all of us as The Jackson 5.

Michael Jackson then continued his career when he went solo right about when Off the wall album was released from then on Michael Joseph Jackson was  known as, The ultimate legendary king of pop.

Although Michael Jackson was titled king of Pop he does not belong to any certain genre, but incorporates a wide range of genres and is very versatile. Mainly R&B and pop, dance, Funk, Hard rock, rock, even Gospel and soul and opera.

Michael Jackson’s early image was when he had his hair in a fashionable style known back then as jerry curls for an example in Billie jean, bad and beat it. Moreover he had unique clothing in his video which always matched. Michael Jackson was also famous for his high pitched voice. Again such as the videos- Billie jean, bad and beat it.

Later on in his career Michael also showed off his deep voices (invincible Album) as wells as his high notes. He also had some new smoother moves and developed his moonwalk into being very versatile for an example he invented the side moonwalk and the round moonwalk. Also in Billie jean Michael Jackson was a dark brown colour however later on in his life he suffered from a skin disease called vitoligo which caused his skin to go into a light pale white colour for an example in the Blood on the dance floor Music video he is seen as very white and pale with new discovered moves of his own.

Michael Jackson was with three record companies Epic, Sony and Motown in Billie jean he is signed with epic they attempt to sell Michael Jackson with his signature moves on the cover of the albums and his high pitched voice however Sony attempt to sell Michael Jackson by just having his face on the cover and having a wide range of vocals on the album. Michael Jackson’s hairstyle in Billie jean period is in jerry curls where as in 2000 he goes for the bob cut which is also used for the invincible album.

In Billie jean the camera has mostly a full body shot of the star this may have been chosen because this was Michael’s first music video with epic and they wanted to sell him for what he really was.

However in Blood on the dance floor they have shots of his feet then his face then his body theses features my have been chosen to tell people that Michael was more of a dancing person.

Motown 25 forever past and future had a great deal to do with Michael Jackson’s popularity which occurred for the rest of his life from that day on as he done the moonwalk for the first time on live television. Also it had something to do with his weird life style of being a man still trapped in his childhood and having a lot of love and affection for young children and trying to change the world for them. Further more it can be agreed that his dancing was phenomenal and his vocals were magnificent.