Friday 25 March 2011

Advert Analysis

These images are direct as they are looking straight into the audience.
Both characters face are serious and have a sexual look, this catches eyes on to the images set above.
These two ladies have been chosen because of their look, there is a belief imprinted in both of these adverts saying “if u drink this milk you would be as steamy as this female character. “If you wear this perfume you would be like Beyonce” again these two women have been chosen mostly to get fans interest this would obviously work because fans would love to be like  their idol.    
Theses ideologies help the products to sell.
Both images have very good postures and you can tell that they have been told what type of positions to do and where to put their hands.
For an example Beyonce is leaning to the left with her hand clutching her face. This gives imagery that she is pure and innocent when she uses this fragrance and on the left hand side there is a women with her hand on her hip and her holding a nearly smashed glass with milk in it. These are good detailed instructions as it has an extra effect to attract the audience and buy this product.
Beyonce could be dressed in this way because maybe this product could attract the men and the men might persuade their wives or girlfriends to buy this fragrance and could maybe inspire the ladies to dress or be like Beyonce. Also her costume was designed in this way to again get attention. This says that Beyonce is a sexy steamy performer when she wears the fragrance in connectivity to her personality.
The top image, she is dressed in a soft silky red dress, the dress could symbolise danger in relation to this milk. This tells me a story of when you drink this milk you become elegant and pure as this woman is representing this picture to be.
The setting of Beyonce photo shot is two images colours merged together to create an image. The image tells me the dull colour is full of shyness and the red colour is full of danger and ambition and when she puts this fragrance on she becomes this new person with the shyness and danger merged together in relation to the dull colour and the red colour.
The other images background is just a dull grey colour this could represent a story saying even though you are in a dull area with the milk you can feel like you are in another world or even another dimension.
The colour that stands out the most in Beyonces photo would be the red itself because really that is the main colour high key

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