Wednesday 22 June 2011

My Advert Explanation

The ideologies attached to my advert consist of an expensive, good quality and a good make.

My advert appeals to the target audience by the colour and the thumbnail on the poster. Moreover it has a finger pointing to the screen signifying that the product is a touch screen product. Referring to the Maslow hierarchy my advert belongs in the love/belonging column as the product definitely replaces friendship. Because if you are lonely you then you have a product to fulfil that space for you. Also I have chosen another column which is entitles esteem as if they purchase this product they will get a lot of respect from other people who suffer from the same anxiety and stress. The persuasive techniques I have used for my advert would consist of social appeal as in my advert there is someone interacting with the object. Telling people that if you are a busy social person who engages with everything in an everyday life. Then they should have this product as a relaxation time for them. My target audience consists of working class citizens’ who have had a hard day at work and who deserve to relax at some point of their life.
My offical advert.

Advert poster Mock

This is a mock up of my mp3 advert.
it consits of a collaboration between apple and Philips.
It also has the apple logo to signify that this is one of apples product as well as Philips.
i have chosen apple because apple is a well known and very successful brand which have sold millions of product and facilities world wide across the Nation.
I have chosen this product to advertise because i myself own this product and think it is very good this is why i have chosen to advertise this product today

mock up of your own advert idea

this is a mock up of my own advert idea
this adds humour which will get the audiences attention

Pitch task